Marco and Prpixel: The Era is one of the audition suggestions from the dealer nearest to me, so I will be able to hear these this week.
I suspect you will be mightely impressed with them. I couldn't believe the tight, low bass coming from those tiny boxes (Design 5's). I understand the 4's have similar midrange qualities, but don't quite go as low, and are a bit less pricey. If you decide on Design 4's there is a pair on the Terry Cain Memorial Fund page that are a lightly used review pair that are $460, $300 of which will go to the Terry Cain fund (helps pay for the balance of his medical expenses as well as the funeral arrangements). That page comes down on January 10 though, so you'd have to act fast. I did not hear a pair of Design 4's so cannot speak directly for them, other than saying the midrange qualities of the 5's were excellent.