iTunes playback: retaining orig song gaps?

Maybe this forum will provide more input from those a little more discerning than the 128kbps iPod crowd?

I searched and searched and searched online for info on ADDING a gap between songs during playback from iTunes on a computer (not iPod). There is a ton of info on removing gaps betweem songs.

I want this when listening to an entire album from track 1 to end as it was produced. As you know after a song is over, you will see a brief "-00:03, -00:02, -00:01" on the display counter. Most CDs are created with this type of slight gap. Of course DJ Mix CDs , and custom home mixes don't have the gap. But for many professional CDs a small gap as it is the intent of the artist/musician/producer.

But, when you play back in iTunes, the gap disappears. that information is not included when you burn to a hard drive. iTunes does not have an option to ADD a gap during playback. [ "Crossfade Playback" function is the exact opposite of what I am seeking: is overlaps the songs....] I use iTunes every day and it ain't there. I wonder how other dedicated digital media servers (olive, roku, accomplish this?) I think it's an easy adder for the next iTunes version....It would look like this:

[ ] Song Gap Playback:

Add 1 .......................... 4 seconds.

OR does anyone else know of some other iTunes plug-in, tweak? I have 300+ CDs (and growing) burned to my external hard drive from CDs and and often want to listen to the entire CD, instead of a playlist.

If anyone has any ideas, please write a response. Grazie.
I came across this definition tonight when researching digital audio apps: POTENTIALLY THE CORRECT TECHNICAL TERM FOR THE GAP I DISCUSS ABOVE....

from: 02/13/07

What are gaps (pre-track gaps)?


When playing an audio CD in a standalone player, often the time display will show up negative values before actually starting a track. This gap is usually used for seperate two different tracks. If jumping to a specific track, it will start with the actual music, only when running into a track the gap occurs.

--end snip---

So, I haven't found anything else to retain the 1-2 second gaps on original CDs. Therefore it looks like I need to trick itunes to add a "blank" track between song when I playback full albums via itunes (akin to a "clear.gif" in html !!). Every album does not need this but some really do to sufficiently space the songs.
Not sure what version of Itunes you're using. I go to the pull down menu in Itunes that says "Itunes" on left left of the toolbar and select "preferences," then select "advanced," then 'burning." You now have a menu that should give you what you want if I understand you correctly.

Yes, you can control the gaps between songs when burning a CD. My scenario is "for playback" of AIFFs which have already been ripped to my Hard Drive. There is no control for putting that gap back in.