Recommend a method of getting analog into my PC

I am going to start ripping vinyl into WMA files for my dad (I stole his collection). Lossless is what I am going to use.

I have a nice vinyl front end with tube phono stage. I need to know what software and hardware I will need to make this happen.

I don't think the sound quality will be what I need through a sound card. A usb device would be absolutely ideal. I would like to spend under 500 bucks.

Any suggestions?

Thanks - Evan

Sorry if this seems like a newb topic, but I have done alot of searching and had less luck then I thought I would.
try posting on Lots of folks there into computer audio big time. One thing I do know is that you will need to take a line leve signal off the tape loop of the pre-amp via RCA cables and then run it through an A-D converter of some kind before storing it on the PC's hard drive.
I just bought a m-audio firewire audiophile audio interface. Sounds pretty damn good. I go out from my phono stage into the M-audio into my Mac. I can also monitor the recording from my amp using the M-audio's line outs.

I also bought for $80 an Edirol UA-1ex, same thing but USB. Have not used it yet so cant comment on quality.

The M-audio was $200. Both can be used to playback the digital signal into analog for the amp. I dont expect either of these to match a 1K unit or any other fancy setup but sounds very close to cd's.
Try to look after Korg rm-1000. It is a 2xdsd hard disk recorder, with analog output and with option to shift recorded sound material with pc to other hard disk(s). Fairly identical record. Only problem, that its 40 gig hd contains max 6 hours 2xdsd material, but you can always make compilation of music from the background hds. So half computerbased, but fairly cheap (1000 usd around) and easy to use.