Thanks, Jeffrey. I didn't think of that, though I'm not sure I'm following how it might have an effect. That may be mostly because I've never understood exactly what it was for. Those settings have gone unchanged from whatever the default is. The system on the Tower was imported from the laptop when loading the OS (Leopard) software so the two should be identical. Some of the affected rips were made on the laptop using Tiger as well, so it's not anything new in the software. I went in and took a peak at the settings. I'm not sure what I'd be looking for though(?)...just that the settings are the same? There seems to be only settings there for Mic and speakers. None of the dropdowns have any options available without any devices plugged in. The other option is to check Midi devices which is limited to the IAC driver and Network. Can you give me some direction as to what I might be looking for there?
Thanks for the suggestion...anything is worth considering at this point.
Thanks for the suggestion...anything is worth considering at this point.