Mid life audio crisis


As the title says I seem to be going through a mid-life audio crisis and I would like some advice.

Here goes: In recent years I have upgraded, changed and tweaked my system until I have arrived at the following:

* Audio Aero Capitole CDP;
* Joule Electra LA 150MkII preamp;
* Dave Berning ZH-270 amp;
* Merlin VSM speakers;
* Cardas Gold Ref speaker cable & interconnects.

As you will see I have spent quite a few $$$$s on this system and I've been considering changing my ZH-270 for a pair of valve mono blocks over the last few months to help me get some more bottom end slam from my speakers.

Recently I bought a Steve Nugent modified Benchmark DAC1 and started to play digital music from my Mac. I was amazed at the sound quality from this combination and I considered selling my CDP. I have not sold my CDP yet but I suspect it will be only matter of time, as I think the modified DAC1 is better than my CDP and I have burned all my CDs to hard disk and use this more than my CDP.

I have never really got on that well with my Merlin speakers. Now please don't shoot me for saying this, all you Merlin fans, but they don't quite have the 'grunt' and energy that I like, perhaps they are true audiophile and too refined. I love transparency and sounstage, which they do well, but I also love bottom end slam that they don't do that well in my view.

The performance of the DAC1 has started me thinking and looking at 'pro' audio/studio gear and a week ago I got to listen to a tiny pear of active PMC AML1 speakers, that are powered by Byrston amps. This was fed by a Larvy DAC/Mac and nothing else but XLR cables - a real simple system that sounded amazing, but just lacked some bottom end slam, but had lots of transparency!

PMC recommend a sub with their AML1 speakers and I have worked out I could have my DAC1 > Bryston crossover to sort out the sub and active monitors. A really simple system that will probably halt me upgrading.

So what do I do? Keep my current system or go the active monitor + sub and DAC fed by a Mac.

Any thoughts?


"Mid life audio crisis", finally, a name for my affliction! I too found the Merlins to be a bit lean, I solved that with the addition of a REL Storm III sub. I now have all the bass I could ever want, in fact, you really have to dial it down so as not to over emphasize the bass and to achieve a seamless integration. Because the Merlins' BAM module filters out extreme low frequency information that the Merlins cannot play, the usual method of connecting the REL to the speaker output posts on your amp with REL's "Speakon" cables (stacked/piggybacked with your regular speaker cables) is no good. You have to go with the line level connection to your preamp or processor. The REL is a musical sub that nicely rounds out the Merlins.
Here's my gear:
Amp: SimAudio W5 solid state amp
Preamp: Joule Electra LA-100 Mk3 tube preamp
CD player and dac: Wadia 860x, w/digital inputs and with GNSC Statement mods
Apple iMac as music server, connected to an Empirical Audio USB Freeway 2 usb to spdif converter, which then goes to the Wadia's digtal input using it as a dac
Speakers: Merlin MSM-M's, biwired with Cardas Golden Cross speaker cables
REL Storm III subwoofer, via line level connection to second preamp outputs
Analog interconnects: Cardas Golden Reference
Digital interconnect: Marigo Apparition 5.8 Signature
Power cords: Elrod EPS3 Signature on amp and Wadia 860X, Elrod EPS2 Signature on preamp
All are plugged into a Sound Applications CF-XE conditioner which uses an Elrod EPS3 Signature 20 amp power cord to plug into a cryo'ed Oyaide R1 wall outlet.
Life is good!
You are so right - the DAC1 unmodified can sound lean, but in my view it sounds 'honest' - it adds and takes nothing away from the source/sound. I had my DAC1 modified by Empirical Audio - Steve Nugent and it is streets ahead of the unmodified DAC1 (in my opinion) and out performs almost every CDP I have played.

How does the modified DAC1 compare to the Cosecant USB DAC v3 (now with ASYNC mode)
I have no idea how the modified DAC1 compares to the Cosecant DAC v3 - I have no intention of changing my Empirical Audio DAC1 - it really that good in my opinion!
Okay - close your eyes all you hard core audiophiles... I have finally done what I set out to do and that is to simplify my hi-fi and use a Mac/DAC1 as a source.

Gone are the Merlins, Joule, Berning, Audio Aero and Cardas and now my system consists of a Mac/DAC1/Drobo/PMC AML1/Zaolla cables and some room treatments.

A couple of things I have learned on this journey - a Steve Nugent modified DAC1 can sound truly amazing, small active speakers can convey emotion, presence and stature, and room treatments make such a large difference. Oh and the probably the most contentious is that I have found I only need to spend a fraction of the money on cables to get great results.

Equally as important is the pro audio forum communities welcome us and offer great advice - don't be afraid to ask dumb ass questions, but be prepared to learn almost a whole new language :-) and be prepared to walk into a pro audio store and be dazed and confused by the array of all the kit.

For any out there who are hesitating in making this type of change, as I was, have a go you won't be disappointed.

All the best,

Congrats Monty! Good to hear that you survived the crisis and are doing fine!