Okay - close your eyes all you hard core audiophiles... I have finally done what I set out to do and that is to simplify my hi-fi and use a Mac/DAC1 as a source.
Gone are the Merlins, Joule, Berning, Audio Aero and Cardas and now my system consists of a Mac/DAC1/Drobo/PMC AML1/Zaolla cables and some room treatments.
A couple of things I have learned on this journey - a Steve Nugent modified DAC1 can sound truly amazing, small active speakers can convey emotion, presence and stature, and room treatments make such a large difference. Oh and the probably the most contentious is that I have found I only need to spend a fraction of the money on cables to get great results.
Equally as important is the pro audio forum communities welcome us and offer great advice - don't be afraid to ask dumb ass questions, but be prepared to learn almost a whole new language :-) and be prepared to walk into a pro audio store and be dazed and confused by the array of all the kit.
For any out there who are hesitating in making this type of change, as I was, have a go you won't be disappointed.
All the best,