Benchmark vs. PS Audio vs. Lavry

Now that I have installed my Apple TV, it's time to turn my attention to a new DAC. Anyone have experience with any of these three (or preferably all three)? I'd like to stay in the one thousand dollar range.

The Current Absolute Sound has an absolute rave review of the Benchmark DAC 1 Pre, essentially saying it cannot be improved upon in any significant way and that it solves problems associated with jitter. Same issue has a good article on music servers (mainly Apple TV and Squeezebox Duet) that will be of interest to folks in this forum.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Thanks for all the replies. I am leaning toward the Benchmark DAC 1 Pre preamp. Since it has multiple digital inputs, I could attach my Apple TV via Toslink and my Oppo 681H via toslink. Presumably, my cable box also has a coax out. One thing I am unclear on: Obviously, when using the Oppo to play audio disks (Redbook, SACD, DVD audio etc.) the bitstream will be audio only coming out of the coax outputs. When playing a DVD will I still be able to run it into the Benchmark for audio purposes, or will it be a combinged audio/video signal? I know it sounds pretty basic, but I haven't paid any attention to the video side at all.

Thanks again.
The only cable which combines video & audio is an HDMI. Audio will go through the coax (or toslink). You will need hdmi or component for the video from source direct to tv/monitor. Not sure if you need to set a preference (in a menu) to have audio default through the coax-on my gear (Pioneer Elite Plasma/receiver/blue ray player) you would.
when using the Oppo to play audio disks (Redbook, SACD, DVD audio etc.) the bitstream will be audio only coming out of the coax outputs
The Oppo will output digital audio only for Redbook CD, not for SACD or DVD-A.