It would seem to me that using the USB output from the computer and using a USB DAC that uses Asynchronous USB mode would be the optimal setup. I know there are not yet many DACs on the market that use asynchronous USB communication, but they would seem to lower jitter to a minimum without the need for an additional jitter reduction device.
I'm only familiar with Wavelength and UltraFi USB DACs that uses asynchronous mode, but I'm fairly certain there are a few more. I've heard the Async UltraFi DAC and it was very good using a Mac w/iTunes as the transport.
I'm only familiar with Wavelength and UltraFi USB DACs that uses asynchronous mode, but I'm fairly certain there are a few more. I've heard the Async UltraFi DAC and it was very good using a Mac w/iTunes as the transport.