Apple vs PC for Music System

I'm pretty familiar with XP owning both a desktop and laptop. But I want to put together a similar system to the Apple TV Setup featured in the Absolute Sound and PS Audio.

However when looking at PCs at a local store they had a windows media computer that looked really interestesting that I'm considering purchasing for just audio into my Levinson DAC. I was told I could use an iPod Touch to control this system just like I could an Apple TV.
Also this system included a BluRay Disc drive. The setup looked very cool and very hi tech.

So to do this system right, should I stick with Apple only like the Absolute Sound or a combo of Apple w/PC to do the ripping, or all PC with Sata drives like the computer store would customize for me w/I-Tunes/iPod running the show?

Your missing the point... 93% of all recording studio's use MAC's for a reason. They sound better... ask any of my now converted dealers. They were all PC before, now none of them are!

Also 7 minutes out of the box and your up and running. So far the fastest I have been able to get a PC to anywhere near that preformance was a couple of hours.

Matter of opinion I suppose, I've already compared a Mac to my PC system last year at home. I for one prefer PC. More software and flexibilty for my needs..different strokes for different folks...nothing wrong with that.

Look I design PC motherboards and computers for years. I have over 5.8M PC's in the field. I have more computers in my lab than most software companies. I have written bios code in assmbler since 1981 and have more than 135 commercial software packages written since then.

I don't know what you are listening too if you are using a PC or your just bull headed but really common guys. Your nuts, macs always sound better.

I sell some of the most expensive computer dacs in the world and can use any computer and os at my disposal. Heck I even have a motherboard I designed for a company specifically for audio. It does not have switching supplies on it at all. It uses super regulators and single oscillator so the emi and rfi is all tuned. Not even close...

Look a mac mini is less than most of your CD players. Try thank me.

Gordon I'm well aware what you do. Nothing wrong with the just doesn't work for me.

Now I'm nuts because I have my own preferences? Is your word the gospel now? I suppose all of us that do not own your Dacs are nuts?

Thanks but no thanks I like my PC. Those who prefer Mac enjoy!
The Mac mini has garbage video resolution. I use my computer for more than just audio.