Sending music to DAC wireless vs wired

Is there a sound difference? I have read the sound quality suffers when transmitted wireless from computer to DAC. Has anyone A/B'd wireless/wired?

wireless is far better due to electric isolation.
look at this french moded airport expess'n' .

this little black box is making a big buzz here in FRANCE..
it replace a an Audio aero capitole 24/192MKII in my system..
you can have digital and analog out in the same time.

Depending on bandwidth, distance and network type.

If the wireless router is fairly far way or going through many walls, signal will drop enough and there will be some drop outs.

If the network is full of other traffic like downloading large files and etc, it will also slow down enough to have drop outs.

Wifi-N network is much better but all network connections should be the same network to keep the same speed. Mixing network might slow some router down.

The new Sonos has an excellent wifi solution for wifi. Check it out. It uses a propritery network system instead of typical wifi.