Slim Devices Duet

Anyone out there using this device as a part of your system? If so what Dac are you using with it? How easy is the remote to READ and use? Also any problems with the wireless feature of this device?
I also got an Duet, now for a couple of weeks, its very easy to install and the sound quality depends of the files you are using. Use at mp3 at least at 192CBR or 192VBR and ideally only lossless flac files - I use Nordost Blue Heaven as interconnect and I dont have the feeling that an external DAC will bring major improvements
I am thinking of getting a Squeezebox for my source, cd's are being ripped to Apple Lossless. Would hooking this Squeezebox up to my used Theta Pro Progency DAC make a difference or is this technology surpassed by the stand alone Squeezebox?
I have been using the Duet since August 08 and really like it. I am running it straight into my Integra DHC-9.9 via the coax output. I think it sounds as good as the CDs running through my ASi modified Oppo DV-983H. I am in the process of converting my file from high bit rate MP3 to FLAC.

I did have some trouble with the wireless hooked up to my Netgear ReadyNAS Duo. I am now running the Duet wired directly into the NAS with no trouble at all.

I too was wondering if a DAC between the Duet and the Pre would offer any improvement.
I have the Duet and the Squeezebox classic and like the classic better. I have found the Duet controller to be buggy and somewhat unreliable.
I have been using the Duet for a few months now. I initially had it hooked up without a DAC and thought it sounded OK. I then tried it with the Cambridge DAC Magic which was a marked improvement. About a month ago I traded the DAC Magic in (long story) for a Cambridge 840C CD player, running the Duet through its digital in, and it sounds great. All of my digital music is AIFF and I have the Duet connected to the 840C with Audio Magic XStream Digital Cable. Though the sound is good and I love the convenience of the Duet and its many cool features, I must say that in my system, the Duet does fall a bit short of the depth and richness that I get from playing CDs through the 840. I still really like it, but if I want to do some serious listening, the CDP gets the nod every time.