Squeezebox Classic - Do you like it?

Running a 35' cable from my iMac to the Processor is not a good idea due to jitter. I followed a thread on that recently on Audiogon - very informative. Steve at Empirical Audio was kind enough to answer my call for free advice and recommended, among other things, that I consider wireless using Squeezebox and the Pace Car Reclocker as one solution to eliminating that long coaxial run from computer to processor.

Input from other users of the Squeezebox Classic would be appreciated.

My system utilizes a Krell HTS 7.1 Processor, Krell Monos and Maggie 20.1s, etc.
The Boulder Cable 5 volt regulated power supply is a recommended upgrade to the SB 3, also, taking it one step further, Red Wine Audio produces a battery power supply that reviewers seem to like. Additionally, there is 6.2 Firmware for the SB3 (I'm not the least bit familiar with it) that one reviewer felt was essential for upgraded performance.

Both Prpixel an Rootmann have mentioned upgraded power supplies that I will explore. Apparently this is an essential upgrade.
Puerto, have you confirmed that Red wine makes a battery power supply for the sb3? They don't advertise one on their website, etc.
Red Wine can still provide a battery system I believe. I am not sure if they will do a 5 volt system that is native to the stock and the Bolder Cable mods.
I did read in a review about Squeezebox that Red Wine manufactured a battery power supply that would work with SB. I'll have to see if I can find it and post it here for you.

Let me ask one more question here: If one gives up the convenience of wireless would a simple USB 2.0 or Toslink direct from the computer to the processor do the job? The Toslink connection is digital if I'm not mistaken. If so, one would be going "around "the computer soundcard with pure digital out. Then, you could let your Processor or external DAC do all the DAC work. I know this off the thread but some of you may know the answer or already tried that.

Yes, you can run toslink directly from the computer to your processor. Also, if your processor/DAC has a usb input, then you can run a USB cable from your computer to it. The advantage of the Squeezebox is that you can put the computer, with its noisy fans, in a different room from the sound system. OF course, if you have a truly silent PC/Laptop then disregard the previous comment.