Before jumping to conclusions on the DAC or cables etc
I highly suggest backing up a few steps, first off get a hold of (unless you have already in the house) a basic DVD player or CD player with a digital out, coax or toslink, If the DAC has one of these inputs test it out, or is it USB only? If so this will not be testable as most disc transports probably don't have a usb out, but anyway simply run the old fashioned way with an optical Disc transport playing a few of your CD's and see if its just an inherited problem of a "Rolled off:" Dac sound or simply the files on the pc your playing
If its better than its obvious and very possible an optical disc transport is still superior in your case for the time being.. Other than that if it is a Tube DAC I can tell you most newer especially cheap taiwan type components today come with really flat and steril sounding Tubes, you may want to just make a small investment in a better tube for the unit as an experiment before spending more on another dac and hoping it solves the issue Good luck
If its better than its obvious and very possible an optical disc transport is still superior in your case for the time being.. Other than that if it is a Tube DAC I can tell you most newer especially cheap taiwan type components today come with really flat and steril sounding Tubes, you may want to just make a small investment in a better tube for the unit as an experiment before spending more on another dac and hoping it solves the issue Good luck