Potentially Dumb CD Burning Question

At the risk of sounding ignorant, Can I burn a CD file, which has already been ripped in FLAC and is stored in my hard drive, onto a DVD – and if so, does that automatically become DVD audio. I suspect it may be more complicated than that. If not, can I burn the FLAC file to CD – or does it need to be ripped in a WAV file???
To make a DVD-A you must properly format the DVD and contents to conform to DVD-A standards. I use Diskwelder Bronze (http://www.minnetonkaaudio.com/products/discwelder01.html) to author DVD-A on my Mac.
I stand corrected, Diskwelder looks like a great product. Sure wish there was such a thing for SACD.

Thanks Ghost.
YOu can do either. If you want to burn the audio files to a DVD-R, you'll need a player that recognizes the DVD-A std. As another poster mentioned, you will need disc welder, or alternatively DVD solo from Cirlinca; available as download for a trial period. Both software types embed the audio tracks into an ISO file image, that can then be burned to any DVD-R disc.