Scratch removal before ripping

Has anyone bought one of those tools that you load the CD into and it supposedly removes the scratches from the CD? I found a great store with used CD's that sells the CD's so cheap it's crazy...and they seem to have everything. I've been luck so far that none have been scratched but I'm sure it will happen soon.

So, if anyone has used this does it degrade the sound quality before ripping? I wouldn't think so but figured I would ask first.

first - good question - 95% of the time the answer is to run your ripper with error correction on - at least thats the iTunes term for it, EAC probably calls it something else.

the rest of the time problems fall into two categories:

1) the more common in my experience - the disc looks like it was handled by a 4 year old with PB&J all over their tiny little fingers - no it won't read properly as it... BUT wash it with lukewarm soapy water, dry it with something non-abrasive and about 98 out of 100 times it will rip fine

2) some discs are in fact permanently mangled beyond salvation - this might affect one or two songs - it might affect all of them - my best advice is to look at the disc prior to purchase - if you see hideous deep scratches pass - or know that you are rolling the dies because the deal is too good to pass up

at which point you win some and you lose some

Go to your local auto parts store and pick up some fine scratch removal creme (i.e. polishing compound) for about $5-10 per tube. You now have a lifetime bounty of scratch removal product for you AND your friends.

Just use a little dab on a cotton cloth. swirl it around the disk making little circles in every direction you can until it gets dry looking. Then just rinse it off under the tap and pat dry with a paper towel.

This quick, easy and cheap solution will get rid of most any scratch related playback problem on a CD or DVD or game except if it's a really bad gouge.

Bob, I agree with you. If you want to get this type of thing as a package product go to the Mapleshade website.
Bob is right on the money. I use and recommend Meguiar's PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner & Polish. I apply it with a microfiber cloth. It is very effective, cheap and available everywhere.