Cullen Modded Sonos vs Monarchy DIP

Anyone have any experience with comparing the Cullen Sonos ZP80/90 reclocker mod to using a Monarchy DIP??? I'm using a DIP now and thinking of getting one of my ZP80's modded to simplify things but am wondering if one might sound better than another.. thoughts??
I have been using the Cullen modified ZP90 with his reclocker for almost a year. I use the ZP90 with iTunes located on a Netgear Ready NV+ NAS (4TB) and with the SONOS SPDIF into a Northstar 24/196 DAC.

Sound is really excellent with the SONOS. I have compared the server sonics withe the same CD track on my Marantz SA11S1. Cannot discern any difference in sound.

I have even imagined the sonics as better with the SONOS but I doubt that it is.

As a bonus, the SONOS controller is my iTouch...excellent match.
Gsherwood53--what file format are you using for your rips? Currently I have everything ripped in ALAC format, but I'm considering reripping in AIFF. I don't really like the WAV format as it only supports navigating in a file-folder structure from the Sonos controller. I'm using a stock ZP80 into a PS Audio DL3, then on to a Cary SLP-03 pre and Mac MC252 amp.
I considered that. For similar money though I bought a Musical fidelity DAC off A'gon that sounds quite good.