Vinyl vs. Hi Resolution Computer Audio

Has anyone ever witnessed a competition between a really nice vinyl set up and a high resolution Computer Audio set up?

Something like the HDCD Reference Recordings using digital masters, Lynx sound card, and a nice DAC (Berkley Aplha DAC?) vs a classic Linn Sondek or a similar high end turntable set up? Which set up would you rather have if it was going to be delivered to your house tomorrow? Vinyl or computer?
a physical vinyl (heck even mini lp cd) everytime. otherwise its like having an art collection on a single disc. may work for some, but i like 'stuff'.
I've had very nice digital set up, many different DAC's and disc players/transports and my moderate vinyl setups just blew them away. Deeper, more detailed, and fuller sound.

Then again, it could be just preference, and something that just sounds new and "different" after years of digital.
My server set up (via Vista/XX High End and ESI Juli@) sounds significantly better to my ears than my highly modified CD/SACD player which I have now sold and very good indeed with high resolution files. Very full sounding, detailed yet relaxing much like vinyl. I have heard the highly regarded Weiss Minerva in another system but the results did not make me want to rush out and buy one. It may deliver better sound than what I am experiencing via the Juli@ and I am prepared to accept that it would but I feel that in comparison with my vinyl rig (Basis Debut/Vector/Orpheus/Basis Exclusive) there remains a gulf so wide IMO that I cannot see digital ever bridging it. I have a lot of digital music and I wish that it sounded as good as high quality vinyl but it just doesn't. There is an immediacy with vinyl, a natural you are there experience that digital cannot match. I still enjoy listening to the music I have on digital and a lot of my collection is not available on vinyl but I never now listen to vinyl first and then change to digital as the immediate comparison makes digital significantly less satisfying.

That is a great answer. I have gotten rid of my CD player as my computer through a nice DAC sounds way better. It is interesting to hear that for folks that have both Vinyl and nice a computer set up that vinyl has the win.

Check out this thread which links to a round table of industry pro's and Michael Froemer...(of the mega vinyl system fame and Stereophile contributor) at the Philotechnic Society in NYC.

Most Computer files are from red book CD's and you get what you get.

The roundtable reinforced that a lot of what I hear had to do with the contributions of the pro's in the chain of the performance to your ears. Those guys are PRICELESS!

My take home from the roundtable was that SACD was audibly better on a high resolution system (if done properly). Michael was OK with SACD but swore by his vinyl rig.

So a Vinyl to PC comparison has lots of caveats to factor in.

Since this is a hobby... you have lots of solutions to now check out for yourself.... good times!