Seeking advice on high res computer music: 4 Qs

After scanning the recent threads and posts, I do not see much discussion around playing high resolution music via computer. I enjoy the convenience of itunes, and I am intrigued by ads for high res downloads and mailable DVDs.

Is there a convenient way to continue to use itunes and also start collecting high res music? If not, what software have people liked?

Is there a preferred connection method? The last TAS indicated that USB out will disappoint, so maybe I need to purchase a computer with digital out, or a high end sound card?

Sorry if this is redundant to another thread that I may have missed.

iTunes will play 24/96 high resolution files.

USB is a digital out, and mine certainly does not disappoint.

check this out... for more info on that subject:

Loads of media players too. J River, Monkeys, FUBAR, Winamp, etc.

The thing with iTunes is it doesn't natively import at other than 16/44 or 48.

some websites now provide the higher res files for sale as downloads. some put them onto disc too, I think. I beleive I saw a few threads here on this subject lately, and a number of those sites were listed in it. have a look... or Google for them.

An ADC set to those higher res numbers is needed to import your own home grown high res files onto HDD.
1. Yes, you can keep using ITunes. I use Foobar2000. Blindjim mentions some other very good programs.

2. I disagree with TAS. There is no functional or qualitative difference between using a USB out to a good jitter-rejecting DAC, or USB to Optical converter (Behringer UCA-202), or having the computer deal with audio data internally and output via optical soundcard. In every case, a good DAC should simply reject jitter as that's what it is intended to do.

If you must buy an expensive sound card, which, in most situations is redundant, in my opinion, look up a pro unit like Mark of the Unicorn (if you have a Mac), or RME Fireface, if you have a PC. Those have state-of-the-art wordclocks for to deal with jitter if that's what you're worried about.

Otherwise, just stick with a $40 UCA-202 out to your DAC or preamp. Or go the wireless solution and get a Squeezebox or Sonos. Your call.