Tubeking, I agree with everything you said. However, I question its relevance. The concern you appear to be addressing is successful communication of ethernet data, apparently over relatively long distances. The concern I was addressing is radiation FROM the cable into arbitrary circuit points in the audio system. Everything else being equal, that can be expected to be REDUCED if cable bandwidth is LOWER. Lower bandwidth = slower risetimes and falltimes = less RFI, everything else being equal.
Also, note that I did not say that results would NECESSARILY be better with the shielded cable. What I suggested is that it may be a worthwhile (and also very inexpensive) experiment. Which certainly turned out to be the case, per the thread I had linked to, in the system of someone who IMO is one of our most credible members.
-- Al
Also, note that I did not say that results would NECESSARILY be better with the shielded cable. What I suggested is that it may be a worthwhile (and also very inexpensive) experiment. Which certainly turned out to be the case, per the thread I had linked to, in the system of someone who IMO is one of our most credible members.
-- Al