Are my CAT5 and router my weak link?

I have paid a lot of money for my PS Audio PW DAC II with the well as all of my interconnects, power cords and speaker cables. After all that, I have an inexpensive (relative to my system) wireless router that connects my computer to the PW DAC and CAT6 cables that are not too special. Are those components letting the signal come through fully? I am curious what others may have done.

08-14-12: Jeffatus
The modem will still be connected to the router....then to the switch....then to the computer.

I am basically just adding a switch between the router and computer, while bypassing the router from the computer to the DAC....via the switch.
That's right, Jeff. But Al is correct when he says...
...Bryon's suggestion of the switch seems worth trying, although whether or not it will make a difference for the better is anyone's guess. Among many other things, it would depend on how the characteristics of digital noise generated by the switch may differ from the characteristics of noise generated by the router; on the degree to which router-generated noise can propagate through the switch; how the risetimes and falltimes of the output signals of the router and of the switch compare; and on the sensitivity of the DAC to all of these things, if indeed it has any sensitivity to them at all.
That is why I would add a SECOND ethernet switch. Yes, I know, I'm sounding crazy. But bear with me...

If you add a second ethernet switch, you can kill the power to the second switch and SEVER the ethernet connection between the router and the computer/system. I drew you a picture, which you can see here.

That is the configuration I'm currently using. When I listen to music, I kill the power to ethernet switch #2, cutting off the ethernet connection between the router and the system. That way...

1. The router remains on all the time.
2. The router is disconnected from the system when listening to music, and reconnected to the system with the flip of a switch (pun intended).

How does your brain feel now? :-)

Hi Bryon,

Note, however, the statement in Jeff's most recent post that:
I need the wireless router on because my iPad controls the computer wirelessly. The computer, via PS Audio's eLyric, then sends the data to the Perfectwave DAC.
So if I understand correctly, in his particular situation the connection between the router and the computer needs to be maintained during music playback.

-- Al
Oops. I missed that. Then what about connecting the router to the computer wirelessly, Jeff?


Well, I wonder if I make the computer connection to router wireless


Connect the computer direct to the DAC (bypassing the switch altogether)

I can't think of any reason I need a switch for the computer to talk with the DAC. As long as the PW DAC can still get the album art, which is not a deal breaker, then I can't think of why it wouldn't work.

The eLyric controller on the iPad would send the controls/commands wireless to the router, then the router sends it wireless to the computer, which then processes the request and sends the info direct to the DAC via CAT7 cable. I keep thinking that the DAC does more than process the audio signal and album artwork, but I think it's the computer that does all the work. The DAC just processes the data.

Very enlightening, I never would have thought of that! Does anyone see anything I missed?

I am using Cat 7 cables throughout. They cost just a little bit more but they appear to be more robust in the connections.