Seeking DAC $300

Looking for a DAC to connect my PC to my Jolida amp. Willing to spend $300 and used is OK. Any recommendations?

My computer has SPDIF but I was thinking of USB....
Thanks Polyglot.

I was seriously looking at the EE MiniMax but then realized that the USB connection only goes to 48Khz. The new Minimax can handle 192khz but it's $1,000!

I removed the Bifrost from the list after reviewing the manufacturers comments on their USB implementation. They basically say they didn't put much into it.

Since I plan to use the USB connection, I've been looking at the iFi iDac and the Micromega MyDac. Any thoughts on those?
I ordered the Micromega MyDac and iFi iDac with iUSB. We'll see which I like better.
I listened to the ifi IDac at the Axpona Show in Chicago last weekend over headphones using the ifi iCan headphone amp and ifi iUSBPower. I will only say this... it was very very good. I am purchasing the dac and a second iUSBPower for my bedroom system. The iDac is very reminiscent of the DP 777 in sound. I know it uses the exact same in-house (AMR) disigned USB board and the Global Master clock system. You should be very happy with the sound from this unit.
The Micromega was on my radar a few months ago, if you get it please share with us your thoughts, if possible a comparison of both.