iPad "Remote" App for iTunes

Introduced to me by Mezmo, this free Apple app looks through the iPad to iTunes and all the music on my Mac Mini.

Therefore, from the comfort of a chair across the room, one can browse the entire selection of music, see all the cover art AND adjust the volume.

Although I am not yet sure how this affects the sound - particularly the use of the volume control - this has otherwise solved my Mac to DAC to amp problem, where for this one source, I no longer need a preamp, nor a DAC with an attenuator.

For comparison's sake, I have ordered an Antelope Zodiac + DAC (with attenuator) and will report back with any interesting findings.

For general use, surfing an iTunes collection, the remote app seems useful for anyone who also has an iPad.
I can't answer your first question as I never tried it and don't have any music stored on my iPhone or iPad. As a remote, the interface is wonderful, many options and I can pull up all the artwork, etc.
So you're talking about the simple remote app. It does a great job of controlling itunes but you should look at the Pocket Cloud app to control all functions of the Mac Mini. After getting used to Pocket Cloud I disconnected my monitor and do everything via my iphone or itouch.
The Apple Remote app is just a remote. It's displaying what is happening in iTunes playing on the Mini. The music is not being routed through the Remote app.
Do yourself a favour and get Puremusic, Audirvana or Amarra.
Remote won't work with them but I-Tunes makes your Zodiac+ suffer from severe 'garbage in- garbage out' digititis.
Try Screens or Mocha VNC as an Ipad support instead of Remote