just starting - mac vs. windows computer source?

Hello all. I don't know much about the specifics of a computer based audio source, except what I have learned looking thorough the archives. I am still hoping you guys can help me with suggestions that are specific to my situation and considering the current and potential future advantages of using either a windows or mac based system as a music source.

I have a fairly dialed in audio system (see my virtual system under mitch2) but want to now include a computer based source (I know, I am quite late to the party). I currently use a new(ish) windows based laptop for home computing, have external hard drives, and also have a windows based laptop for work. My only mac exposure is the company i-phones we recently adopted, my wife's ipad, and looking at my daughter's macbook pro. I have hundreds of CD's and a very high quality hi-rez player, but none of my music is yet digitized.

I want to add a high quality, great sounding computer based audio source that is at a similar sound quality level as my current player (or better), and I have heard using the ipad as a control and visual display, and the mac mini as a server, is a good way to go. I like the idea of having the mac mini near my gear, so shorter cables to the dac, and I like the idea of controlling everything wirelessly from the ipad, but this means I will need to buy more stuff and will not be able to use my windows based laptop for that function. I am okay with that as long as the ipad/mac mini is really a superior solution.

I have four questions regarding my decision to adopt a mac based or windows based music solution. At this point, I want to focus only on which computing system is best for me and handle dacs, cables, etc. later.
My questions;
1. is the overall consensus that the mac based system is better for hi-rez music playback, considering my goals are very high quality playback, wide bandwidth, low noise, and ease of operation,
2. is there a windows based system that could sound as good and be operated similarly to the ipad/mac mini option, perhaps using my windows based laptop as a control,
3. if I go the mac route, is there any advantage to purchasing a macbook pro over the ipad to control things, assuming I still plan on using the mac mini as the server, and
4. what other questions should I be asking that I haven't asked?

Thanks for any solutions or suggestions you guys care to provide.
Whoa I was looki g at your current player and that you want to add computer audio that is of similar quality. You are thinking a 500 DAC is going to compete with an 8000 CD player? I would think no matter what you will be highly disappointed with the sound you will get compared to your reference player. I don't know your CD player but from your descriptions in your system it sounds like you did your homework and its a good one. I've tried lots of 500 DACs amd CD players and they don't compare to players costing 10x or in your case even more than 10x as much.

If I were you rather than making your head spin with all the possibilities. Just get a new Mac mini and a DAC like the Ayre QB9 or PS Audio perfect wave 2. You can just hook up a USB cord and get going and the sound will be good maybe not quite to your CD player but pretty good. You can use the iPad or phone to control the mini. Personally me yes I would rather have the full laptop to control the mini. You can use screen sharing instead of the app which to me is better I prefer iTunes on the computer to the remote app and if you don't have a monitor and keyboard hooked to the mini (headless) it can get a little tedious trying to use only the iPad to control the mini for all the cd ripping you have to do.

Lastly I don't know what to think as far as the best way to rip CDs. I got into this about 7 years ago. I bought a brand new wavelength cosecant DAC and followed Gordon from wavelengths instructions on how to rip my CDs. I ripped 6000 CDs and not they tell me I did it all wrong. I should not store my music in ALAC and needed a special program to rip CDs. Oh well it sounds pretty good and I still have all my CDs so maybe one day when the final best way to rip a cd is figured out ill re rip all my CDs lol.
Good point about the DAC quality Ejlif. I do like my current MUSE player. I owned both it and the Ayre C-5xeMP, and had them both hooked up in my system (at the same time) for over a year. I finally sold the Ayre when I found that my clear preferece was for the MUSE. The Ayre did a lot of audiophile things well, especially bass, but the MUSE IMO was simply more musical. The MUSE is very even-handed and natural sounding with a wonderful midrange.

My thought with the HRT HD was to use it as a "starter" DAC and then move it to my outdoor system if/when I feel the need to upgrade. I like the idea of simply hooking up a laptop and having most of my stored music collection availble to play outdoors without running in and out looking for CDs.
I just read Ejlif's post and have to agree. I've never heard your CD player but I'm familiar with the Ayre. If you're used to that level of equipment, I would recommend you get the Ayre DAC as well. Your system really demands it and you know what you are getting with an Ayre. Its price is such that it would be an entry level DAC for your system.

As far as ripping CD's goes Ejlif looses me a little, but if he got good results, he did it right. Everest_audio is also correct about dbpoweramp being more user friendly than EAC. EAC is only hard to setup. That's why I gave the link to the setup guide. Once you go through the initial process, thats it. Its just as easy as anything else. From a technical standpoint, its as good as any other CD ripper out there and its free.
Use a new Windows laptop (with 4-8 GB RAM), strip off all the bloatware, a big USB drive (3TB or more), and dbPowerAmp for ripping. Playback using Foobar2000 or JRiver. That's it...

Tim (Mitch2), a thread that I think would be very worthwhile reading is this one, especially the comments by AudioEngr (Steve N. of Empirical Audio), whose opinions and experience certainly warrant a great deal of respect IMO. Several of the other posters in that thread also provide good food for thought.

One brief excerpt, to whet your interest: "A low-jitter source will often make a $1000 DAC sound identical to a $8K DAC."

Best regards,
-- Al