Which USB to S/PDIF converter with Metrum Octave?

I'm exploring USB converters to pair with my Metrum Octave, which in turn feeds a Lamm LL2 deluxe and a McIntosh MC275. I read comments suggesting the converter is very important, but equally important is how it interacts with the DAC to be used.

So far my top pick is an Audiophilleo 2 with PurePower. This would also be about the higher end of what I'm willing to spend ($1k).

I read great things about the Off-Ramp, but it's over my budget. Same for Berkeley's converter.

One line that has me intrigued is Bel Canto's. The uLink is $675, but doesn't have a good power supply. What it does have is the fiber optic out, and Steven Stone recently found that connection superior to the others when connecting to a Bel Canto DAC. Anyone tried it with the Octave? Or the REFLink?

Other converters I should consider?

Thank you!
I have a first generation ULink I can sell you for $150 (without the sound smith cable) if you wish to give it a try. Its is great, I ended up getting the Sonicweld Diverter as my end-all-be-all.
Jb, thanks for the offer, but not really what I'm after. I'm looking into some of the best USB converters and looking for user input regarding best match with my DAC.

Check the new John Kenny converter, a big step up from the JKMK3 which muted well to the Octave.
There's the new iFi iUSB + Gemini cable + iLink combo. Should come in well under $1k.

The iUSB provides isolation and provides cleans power, the Gemini cable separates power and data feeding the iLink converter itself.

I've got an iLink on order, will evaluate that. If it works well, then I'll consider adding the iUSB and Gemini cable later on.