Jplay vs Amarra, PC vs. Mac

So...I find myself with a dying a laptop that bluescreens when playing Jplay in hibernate mode. Now that I've heard this degree of clarity from digital audio, I can't really go back. I'm interested in hearing if anyone has been able to compare Jplay to Amarra or the other Mac audiophile proggies.

My big issue with Mac is that I have PC desktop, on which most of my music is stored. I am not a huge fan of iTunes either, particularly as it doesn't support FLAC and most of my music is in FLAC. I could get a server, but this seems like overkill, or alternately an external USB drive.
A free, simple alternative would be to change your Windows music player. Foobar2000 is completely free and works pretty well...

What the heck?? Vista was one of the buggier operating systems put out by MS. Run, do not walk to get an upgrade copy of Win7 (or Win8 if you can put up with its interface). Either will be better behaved with Jplay and other programs.

BSOD are generally driver linked, Win7 is remarkably stable.
I think your problem may be OS related. Jplay does not recommend Vista (I'm actually surprised it even worked !) - only Win 7 or Win 8.
"BSOD are generally driver linked, Win7 is remarkably stable."

Win7 is remarkably stable, as long as you don't boot the system up by accident.