Does Anyone Offer Audio Mods For A Mac Mini?

Does anyone know of a company that does mods to a Mac Mini to optimize it for audio playback?
Glad to hear someone report on the Clones product... I was thinking about trying it myself, as it seems to be a very straightforward product. I've never been convinced that the technological advances in some of the other (more expensive) options are really necessary, especially from a simple cost-reward perspective.
Duomike - I believe the ibook tweaks will still make a difference.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Mojo Audio makes a great power supply for the Mini and he is in the USA.
It made a huge improvement in my system. I followed all of Steve's Amarra and optimization suggestions also. In total, great sounding indeed.

I own Genesis speakers, Audio research amps,MIT & Taralabs cables,Mac mini, and I'm French!
You think I should ignore how these American company are good on what they do and by local?
Steve, tried to download the guide but it runs on IPAD only and not on my IPOD touch or mini...