Help critic my system

I have been very happy & please with my system however I am thinking about playing with interconnects just to see what improvement I will hear. I want your input in what areas do you think I can further improve my system (different cd player, powercords, interconnects, contact enhancer, etc.)
My system is as following.
Krell Amp 400CX
Krell Preamp KCT
Krell CDP KPS-28c
Wilson Audio Sophia Speakers
Kimber Select 3035 (speakers)
Transparent CAST (between Cdp & Pre)
Krell CAST (between Pre & Amp) – I will replace with Transparent.
Michael Wolff Gain (copper version) Powercord for Preamp
Michael Wolff Source (copper version) Powercord for Cdp
BPT3.5 Signature Conditioner for Preamp & Cdp
PS Audio Ultimate Outlet line filter for Amp

I have owned and listened to Sony SCD-1 for about 3 months and preferred the sound of the KPS-28c cd player. Other interconnects I have used included VH Audio Flavor 1 (Furu), Flavor 2 (Furu) and Kimber Select KS-1130 Balanced.
I'd recommend the best Transparent, or Purist Dominus for your speaker cable (Siltech if you can afford it). I'm not a Kimber fan.
i am a kimber fan. your systems only weekness in my opinion are your speakers. for that kind of money- vandys, shahinians, gradients, ohms, frieds, pmc's, yada yada......the wilsons are well made and well....well made. all that extremely neutral, clean, powerful, and wonderfully natural signal those krells effortlessly put forth is compromised by the sofia's very clinical, and unnatural midrange. generally appealing for female vocals, and simple jazz, but rock and classical tend to sound weightless and cold. the krell stock power cords along with mac and revox are among the best, but hey there may be a difference to your ears.
What about that article form cable nerd in regards to Transparent cables? Is there any need for caution with them? ON the other hand you have a really nice set-up!