whats the biggest mistake you made?

ever sell a peice of gear then realize you made one big mistake or find a better way to run it after its allready gone?

for me it was the mcintosh mc2102 tube amp that wasnt cuttin the mustard or so i thought,since then ive tried many amps & none have gave me the same feeling as that amp.

most of the changes ive made over the years have been good or atleast i could live with them but that one change really taught me alot,im taking things alot slower nowdays & taking the time to hear the different gear i bring in before rushing to decisions.


I have a few to share:

Sold an ARC SP-10 years ago as I was sure the LS2B was the ticket to refinements across the board. What a total disappointment that was! Meanwhile, it took an incredibly expensive purchase of the PH2/LS5 to get the SP-10's musicality back.

I would have thought the SP-10 experience would have taught me a lesson but I did it again. I sold an ARC VT130 amp for a pair of Classic 150 mono amps. The magic in the music was immediately gone. The CL150s were so analytically sounding and the VT130 controlled the Magnepan 3.3 speakers far better than the CL150s. The VT130 (non SE model) under $2k is an awesome bargain.

The other major mistake I made was waiting far too long to try a power conditioner. What the Audio Magic Eclipse did for my system was like no other upgrade I ever experienced before. It was as if I upgraded 4 components at once ... and all for just under $2k. No other single purchase even comes close to this.

Sold my vintage 98' Shakti magic pebbles for a song! I've tried a dozen different bottles of'em since letting that one special bottle go, but they just haven't had the synergy the 98' vintage did. I'd give my left testacle to get those pebbles back!

Sold a Levinson 27.5 to finance a Parasound home theatre system; huge mistake. The Levinson is worth more than what I paid for it and the Parasound stuff is long gone and I took a bath on it.

Oh, left the Thorens TD160 Super mit Grace 707 Mk II (black) with the soon to be exwife; mistake. She decided she liked it once I left; she complained like hell when I spent some 500 bucks for the rig, new back in the late 80s.
Glad I ain't alone. I sold my Montana eps's and two speakers later I still got zip for bass slam.
Sold Bigjoe my Cary CAD-5500 preamp. I had to go find another one after I found I missed it in my system.