Suddenly, things are sounding awful...

So I hooked my system back up after about a 6 month absence (though the speakers were seeing constant use in another system for much of that time). 6 months ago, the tonality was fantastic. Things sounded rich and detailed. Now, the system sounds extremely bright (especially on top), very grainy, and much of the detail is gone.

I did indeed change the system's position in the room. But Everything has been repositioned very carefully, and I don't see why there would be any major acoustical problems.

The equipment is as follows:
Silverline SR15 monitors.
Audio Refinement CD Alpha
Audio Aero Prima series 1 integrated
Analysis Plus cabling

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps my NOS tube in the Prima is dying. But could that cause brightness and graininess? Those aren't the symptoms I would normally associate with a failing tube.

Suggestions, comments?

Hi folks, thanks for all the wonderful help. I'll try out these suggestions as soon as I can, you'll hear from me again soon.
And Howard, the speakers are actually the same distance from the front wall. The picture is quite deceptive. Thanks for the advice!
Well guys, I've done some experimentation.

First, I tried moving the speakers back and the couch forward. Nope. Still bright as hell.

Then, I moved the couch back to the wall, and put the speakers 1/4 of the way into the room, as per Trelja's suggestion. That was a serious improvement.

Next, I towed the speakers in so they cross about one foot in front of me, a la Newbee. Bingo. Brightness gone.

Imaging and soundstaging are not good, but those I can live without for the next little while until I move. I need my tonality. Can't deal with the brightness.

I tried placing foam behind my head, this killed the bass and did little for the brightness. Foam on the side wall, surprisingly, had almost no effect.

Foaming the ceiling corners would be serious project, and I'd probably kill myself in the process, so I'm going to save that one for later.

Anyway, things are improved, thanks to all the great comments I got. I appreciate everyone's help!