Testicle Tumor

I hope the moderators approve this.
I was diagnosed yesterday with a testicle tumor, I will have surgery on Friday and have my left thing extracted. It will be one week till I know if it's a ''good'' or bad tumor and I'm really scared.
Have any of you gone through this ?...and please if you've lost someone due to this please don't tell me.
Foxtrot- I will be praying for you. In fact I already did. Put your faith in the God who knows from the beginning to the end. May you have the peace that surpasses all understanding. May you be healed in the name of Jesus. Amen. I will continue offline. Dan

I wish you well. It's probably obvious to you by now but if it's not then I offer this small bit of advice which mirrors what Fatparrot wrote: It's a waste of precious energy to worry about the unknown. Fear and worry, while understandable, are counterproductive if this thing ends up being malignant.

Chances are it will be a benign. If this is the case then rejoice and give thanks for your good fortune. If not, then busy yourself with researching the "best of the best" doctors in your area. From personal experience, the best doctors are those that will spend however much time with you it takes to make you fully informed. The best doctors acknowledge that they do not know everything and are not threatened by including another, more knowledgeable doctor, in your care. Get educated about the treatment options. There will probably be several and ultimately you are the boss. Fortify your body with foods that maintain overall good health beginning today! Get proper amounts of rest and exercise.

In either case I urge you to recognize the pearls dropped in your lap during such times and give thanks. If there are but a couple of words in this thread that have helped you in some small way please thank the Lord. With or without malignancy you will be richly rewarded by doing this.

In everything you do, with every person, fill your heart with love. And, please keep this group informed as to your outcome with the biopsy. No matter what, realize there is an enormous amount of love in this community just waiting to lift you up.

You are in my prayers.
Foxtrot, hope this would be a benign thing and they can leave the other in situ. Lot's of strength and good luck!

Foxtrot, In 1980 I went to my doctor who sent me to a urologist. Dr Naga said that the testicle would have to come off and that he was 90% sure it was a cancerous tumor. He said he could operate on Friday, it was then late Monday. I hesitated but said "Let's do it" and the operation went forward. A few days after the operation I was told it was Seminoma, one of the "better" types, that would be treated with radiation. Needless to say, that was 25 years ago and I have never looked back. A positive outlook and good support of my friends was very important to me. My doctors were wonderful as I am sure yours are as well. I have suffered no ill effects from the experience and look forward to each day as being "special". I sincerely wish you well and hold to the knowledge that much has been done to treat our cancer over the past 20-30 years. My prayers are with you as you move forward. God Bless!
Like everyone I wish you the best possible outcome and a speedy recovery. And not to sound trite, but music is a great restorer of the spirit, so keep the tunes flowing.
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