Agaffer; although 'comfort' is a personal subjective issue; i would disagree with your statement;
"There is no chair more comfortable than the Eames."
if you added "to me", then i would have no issue.
my opinion is that from an objective standpoint; the most comfortable chair is the one that supports one's body the best. the 'Zero Gravity Chair', designed by NASA for space shuttle take-offs and landings, is scientifically the most supportive chair. chairs like the Ekones Stressless (i own three) and the Eames Lounge Chair; have foot supports that put undue stress on the spine as they do not distribute the thigh weight and lower leg weight evenly. they are certainly comfortable but not 'the most comfortable'.
Eames Lounge Chairmy Zero Gravity Chairmy Barcelona Chair 'knockoffs'......which i use for extra seating in my room.
i would be happy to do a 'sit-off' with you to see which chair would be comfortable for the longest time. Doctors perscribe the 'zero gravity chair' for patients that cannot sleep laying down. my particular chair also has visco-elastic foam that moulds to your body with heat. also the narrow headrest curves away from the ears whereas the Eames appears not to have a headrest, or if it does has a 'cupping' shape. the Ekones also has a wide back/head rest with a cupping shape.