Audiophiling With the Stars

Just got back from L.A. where I took several sit downs with power suits and pitched my latest idea. Those in on the talk have probably already heard the buzz, but in case your Blackberry was down, here goes:

Team up a well known audio writer with a past their prime B-list (or lower) celebrity and have them go to a ritzy audio salon to audition and "buy" an audiophile oriented system. The first part of the show is called "The Humiliation Game". We'll see if being a regular on "ATWT" in the early 90s or the long snapper on last Cowboys championship team gets you into the high end room. If the celeb gets in, they receive "spending dollars" and he/she proceeds to the next stage. In "The Audition" the B-lister will have been coached by the audio writer in all the latest audio talk and will be graded by a panel of experienced audiophiles on how well they describe the sound of the system they are listening to. The winner of this round then goes to the show's climax in "The Price" where the audio store owner gives the celeb the bill for the system they had just auditioned and the celeb is rated on their reaction. At the end of the season there is a playoff episode and the season finale's winner actually gets to keep the high end system of their choice.

Okay, so it's not original, but I was in L.A. They don't understand original there.

We ran a test show and there are some kinks to work out, but on the whole, the reaction was phenomenal. People particularly liked "The Price" section. The best reaction shot was when the actor who played the neighbor to George's parents in "Seinfield" shouted a profanity and then dropped to his knees clutching his stomach and wouldn't stop hysterically laughing for over 3 minutes. You can't fake that stuff. It's reality TV at its best.

Wish me luck, I'm expecting a callback any day now. If it goes over, the phrase "palpable soundstage depth" will be as popular as "You're fired!"
Wonder if I could land the job of shooting still images while this is in production?
Interesting concept - I'm not sure it will be the next big hit, but it is interesting. I would like to know what, say, Billy Joel has for an audio system. I also think it would be great to have a home theater/Audio show on one of the HGTV or DIY networks.