Vibration control question....

If I have access to a 18"x12"x3" block of granite for my CD player, would it be best to use spikes or can I keep using the vibrapods that I am using now ? Thanks in advance for any input.

go to the lat international website and read what is printed on the theory on these devices. i again have had black diamond racing cones and then went to the stillpoints. they really added brightness to the sound of my gear. this was very noticeable after i had my gear upgraded by david schulte at he was the one that exlplained the physics behind all these devices. when i reported what i was hearing he has special feet that is used in measuring equipment that needs to isolate vibration. these were a big improvement over the stillpoints and few dollars a piece as well. i then tried lat international vibra -killers. what i liked about them is they are neutal in sound like david's feet but you can stack gear on top of each other without it vibrating down to the piece under it. no jump out at you sound change. if this happens at least to me its adding its own sound to the equipment . like black diamond they have cones made for tube and solid state ??? it should tell everyone that its doing something to the sound for them to make up two cones. the biggest gains i have ever made is getting all my stock gear upgraded by david schulte. this is the same man that i emailed clement perry numerous times about davids improvements and another reviewer who took my advice and had david upgrade his tact millenium mk3 amp and lexicon rt-10. well clement perry's boz amps as well as his reimyo cdp777 and 2.2x room correction have been done by david. clement just added a upgraded genesis lens that i have been using as well to his system. in short i believe you can go back and forth with all types of gear and never be satisfied. one piece will always do sonething better than the other in areas but never completly satisfy you in the end. david 's upgrades not only put a stop to this but really shows in listening how bad stock gear is and how good it CAN be made to sound at a tenth of the cost of changing gear. the hardest thing is getting someone to say ok i will let him upgrade my digital source first and that is where i would start as digital really sounds awful until david upgrades it. he also has some of the best speaker wire and interconnects you can buy period without spending $$$$$$.

bill l
while you're at it, try Lat International's speaker cables and ICs. Excellent dollar cost ratio to quality. My very first high end cabling experience. Had them for years...
Muskrat, using 160 lbs/cu ft for granite, your granite slab will weigh about 60lbs. Vibrapods are designed to support very specific weight ranges. If you intend to put them under the combined weight of the granite slab and the CD player you probably will need different vibrapods than you have now.

A cheap and effective isolation method is to put sand-filled baggies under your CD player's feet. You can get play sand at your local home improvement store for about $3-4 for 50lbs. I put 1 cup of sand in a sandwich size zip-lok baggie, squeeze the air out, seal it, then fold it over and tape it. The result is about 6"L x 3.5"W x .75"T. Looks like crap, but works well. I use these under a Meridian G08. I haven't noticed any tonality changes, unlike many vibration control devices. The primary effect is a little better low-level resolution and more soundstage depth. Try it, you may like it. Thanks to Jon Risch for the idea.
I take my cat box fill it, with what else.. cat litter, mix in some sand and stir in some lead shot and some brazen ball bearings. I then place this upon a lead sheet under which are 3 gigantic coil springs one tuned to 3hz the next to 6hz and the final one tuned at 12 hz.As punishment for breaking her curfew when my daughter comes home late from a date, I make her place her practice cello {I wouldn't want her to damage the integrity of her concert instrument} within this cat box contraption and tell her to play the night away..Of course she hates the sound because I killed it with all this crap.Well not crap the real thing, just all the crap that takes the life out of the music. Oh when I really want to punish her I add some sorbethane to the mix.Where goes the vibration there goes the music. She has as a retort.. said she would place similar non musical materials under my hi-fi. How dare her try to undermine my music. Tom
Millenium,will do, and thanks for the tips as I am always searching for the best sound I can get from this ever-evolving system,Bob