Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon

Some of these brands rarely appear here. Maybe the customers are satisfied for life?
- Boulder (I only saw at most 5 times)
- Rockport (saw a Sirius TT once, the gigantic speakers once)
- Walker
- Spectral (okay, maybe this is not so rare...)
Albert, have you had a chance to hear the latest DNM gear in a system designed for them?
Interesting times!
Music Reference amps are usually available and I think at most times there is at least one up on the site. Just about 3-4 weeks there were three amps, two different models. I've also heard they are reliable but have recently been told by a 30 year audiophile they originally were not.

My vote goes for Air Tight. Don't come up very often but then they are a small outfit and only make pretty expensive stuff. By that I mean their cheapest amp is $7,000.00.
Guys a rare one but a goody

Metaxas Soliloqey

A greek design which is very popular in Europe

Heard one in Milan

Best I've heard to date
Have not seen one used
If you are ever in the bay area of N. CA. you are invited to listen.