Paypal question-pin number

Please tell me if the recent request for a debit card including the pin number is legitimate?
Thanks, Ed
There have been a ton of new Paypal, Amazon, and Jury Duty scam e-mails asking for very personal info past just your pin number. I got a Jury Duty e-mail that asked for my Social Security number... Bogus, and Beware!!! If paypal needs your info updated, you'll see their request when you log into your account and use it. I just had my Amex expire, they never sent me any legitimate expiration email. I just had to update it in my payment methods, should I ever need to use it. The first thing that should catch your attention if they DON'T address you by name... like "Dear Paypal User", is always the first give away that it's a SCAM. One false, swift move can cause you 1-2 years of daily grief dealing with Identity Theft... Debit Card, & PIN Ugly... Ouch, Real Ugly as they can clean out your bank account faster then I've typed this!!!
I haven't received one and I see no reason why would want it. They access your account through your account number and your bank's specific routing number. I would HIGHLY suggest you not give out your PIN in a solicited email. Just in case, log into your Paypal account and send an email to customer service just to be sure.
never give your pin number to anyone. doing so will void any protection from fraud. even the issuer of your pin number will never request it.
Ed is correct. Forward the e-mail to which is Paypal's security e-mail address. They will authenticate the e-mail or tell you it is fraudulent. I'll bet it is the latter.

BTW, I got a timely "fishing" e-mail last week that looked very authentic. I got it the same day I closed an auction on eBay and it looked like an authentic Paypal notification of payment due. I forwarded it to and they immediately recognized it as a "fishing fraud".

In the past couple of weeks I’ve received two requests that looked official, Ebay logos and all asking that I update my account info or it would be suspended. They had me fooled rite up to where the form asked for my pin number. I deleted the form and reported it to EBay. NEVER give out your pin number.