XM radio tuner for home

I want to run XM radio through my two channel system. Was wondering if anyone could recommend a tuner.
I am currently using the Delphi boom box conversion which, as I am sure you know, leaves a lot to be desired.
I have seen a little on the Polk Audio unit.
Other than that, I'm clueless.

I have read a lot of good press on the Polk unit and if I were to go the XM route, that is probably the unit that I would buy. I might also be tempted to upgrade the bedroom receiver and purchase a Yamaha 657, which is XM-ready.

I went the Sirius route, as there were a number of programs that I wanted to listen to (Howard Stern; Wrestling Observer; Elvis 24/7). No manufacturer has come out with a tuner, like the Polk. Instead, I purchased the Tivoli table radio and hooked it up to my stereo via the headphone jack ... not ideal, but it works well enough.

Regards, Rich
Mike, xm now on direct tv, I am going to try running cables from audio outs on box to system, hope that helps.
Also helps if u have direct tv. Regards, Mike
Another vote for the Polk XM tuner. For better results try using a D/A and it will get you a few notches closer to cd quality.