Most significant WAF Audio Sacrifice you made....

I'm interested in the most significant audio sacrifice you made in the name of maintaining domestic harmony / bliss, such as giving up your Pass XA 160 monoblocks. You know, the concious decision one audiophile makes like where we weigh our loved ones on an imaginary scale: sweetie or monoblocks, sweetie or monoblocks, and the former wins out but not without extreme pain (and sometimes regret).

Significant others are also eligible.
My wife forced me to sell our $1500 CDP and replace it with a $5000 player as her birthday present. She then demanded that we upgrade our speakers to a larger model, under the pretense that "size matters." Just recently, I had to go out and double our investment in interconnects simply because she thought they sounded better. And last week, she insisted on buying a new SS amp so that she could rock out to Alice in Chains. It's just too much. I don't know what to do with this woman!
"My wife forced me to sell our $1500 CDP and replace it with a $5000 player as her birthday present. She then demanded that we upgrade our speakers to a larger model, under the pretense that "size matters." Just recently, I had to go out and double our investment in interconnects simply because she thought they sounded better. And last week, she insisted on buying a new SS amp so that she could rock out to Alice in Chains. It's just too much. I don't know what to do with this woman!"

Good GOD man! thing you know other demands will follow.

I'm a wife. No problem with audio equipment-rather enjoy it. I get a little disappointed in people when they serve ultimatums regarding a spouse's passion.
i sold a harley once so my wife could upgrade her bed room set to solid oak, good thing i had a spare in the garage :)

if i had to though i would sell all the gear & bikes without a second thought if my family needed the cash,i hope it never come's to that but ya never know.
