buyer beware of late

Did anyone else respond to the "unbeleavable" listings lately, like the B&W 800's for $3000 or the N802's for $ members with no feedback. I received the message from Audiogon saying the members were "questionable" and not to do business with them. Same thing happened today with a listing for a Jadis integrated amp. I guess the only safe bet is to stay away if there's no feedback..but that doesn't do much for the legitiment new members trying to get established.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
In addition to the # feedbak, I check the "member since"... it's hard to go back 5 years to join...
Too bad people have to screw up every good thing. I've been an audiogon member for several years, but I've really only been active for the last year. I've only bought one item, and it was a great transaction. Earlier this year, I almost got scammed on e-bay after winning a bid for an amp, but figured it out before I sent the money. I politely refused to complete the transaction, and never heard back from the guy, nor did he relist the equipment. After that, I decided it's Audiogon for me. Now the scammers have invaded audiogon too.
I'm not sure COD is foolproof for the seller or the buyer. Is the Fed-ex guy going to hang around while you check out the equipment? Maybe the escrow thing is the way to go.
I've got no feedback as a seller, so what do I do? I'm going to be buying another amp (when I get my nerve back), but I won't be buying anything if I can't sell my current equipment. This, coupled with the recent thread on the shipping nightmares, makes me nervous. Ultimately, one can see a bit of an audiogon recession coming if we can't get this figured out.
FedEx COD is super, BUT don't expect them to check the authenticity of the cashiers check or certified check they collect for you (I don't think they take money orders, or in any case check only the "cashier/certified" box)

It is up to you to do your due diligence and get a fax or scan of the check from the buyer. Get the issuing branch phone no. from the buyer also, it's not always on the check. Call the issuing bank to verify before your item is delivered to the buyer, and the check collected for you by FedEx. You can always call FedEx and ask them not to release the item if you suspect a counterfeit check.
I've been messing with the obviously fake ad posters the last two days. I respond by stating I'll be in their city this weekend and will stop in to take a look in person with the cash in hand. Funny...not one response from the thieves!