Has anyone compared Oyaide against FIM

I've heard Oyaide outlets and PC connectors and really like them. I've just heard that FIM and their outlets and PC connectors are really good too.

Has anyone compared the two, and what were your thoughts?
Robert Maicks is the president of Star Sound Technologies( at least he was when I last talked to him a couple of years ago). I had a FIM outlet a while back and for my system it was a little too warm and slightly lacking in dynamics. I haven't tried the Oyaides yet, but I am currently happy with some Porter Ports.
I can confirm Stehno's experience. I just switched from the FIM to an cryoed Oyaide outlet from Alan. Definately an upgrade and a very noticable one at that. Money well spent.
Sherod, I actually know Robert fairly well. Since Krell man owns a number of Star Sound products, I thought it was funny for me to pose the question of "Who's Robert Maicks?"

Well, it seemed funny 7 months ago when I typed it on a whim.

Disc, my new cryo-treated Furutech outlets should arrive today or tomorrow.