Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?

I'm using a non audiophile rack for my system because it goes with the decor. Will an isolation device still make a difference. If so which one please?
For me, the choice wasn't even close. I opted for Silent Running Audio's Craz rack and Ohio Class XL+ isolation platforms, and haven't looked back. IMHO, there's nothing better on the market, and that includes Grand Prix Audio. The secret is that each platform, and each shelf on the rack, is designed specifically for the component it supports. Now that SRA is accepting trade-ins for old platforms, and offer new support pads for the rack shelves FREE OF CHARGE, it's no longer a monetary hassle when you change components. I could've bought any rack out there, and I chose SRA. It's a no-compromise solution--the best of the best, IMO.
I have three Critical Mass bases. Two, which I have owned for about 5 months, sit under Joule Rite Of Passage amps. The third is nearly 2 months old, used to isolate my preamp. I have seen no change in level. The product is aesthetically top-grade, and so far, the construction has proven to be as well.
Hooper: What is your experience with the Grand Prix Audio for you to say that? You know I know both peices extremely well and for Janson's situation I would have to lean toward the Grand Prix Audio.
Most of the isolations devices that are being discussed here have some positive merits, still, they all pale when compared to the offerings from Silent Running Audio. Now, SRA has widened the gap even more for me with their new Squared series. Most people's bitch with SRA was it's inability to use the same base with different gear. These new SRA units will now be future proof! Should you decide to change out equipment, you don't have to worry about losing the advantages that only a Component Specific Design can bring. Details, from what I've been told, will be spelled out in an upcoming review on SoundStage. This is truly exciting news! I have owned and or compared most of the products listed thus far in this thread plus quite a few more not listed. IMHO, nothing comes close to any of the Ohio-Class units. Now with the Ohio-Class XL+² coming to a system near you, the bar has been raised way high. I find this so, very very exciting, I ordered a double XL+2 Craz!