Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?

I'm using a non audiophile rack for my system because it goes with the decor. Will an isolation device still make a difference. If so which one please?
Been gone on vacation for the last 5 days and now see why adog posted what he did. Not very professional to say the least, not informing us he's a dealer for SRA. I will give him credit for not bashing other products, or maybe he does offline.
Thank you J_Badov, and a very Merry Christmas to you too! Seriously, if you want to experiment with high density ballasts in isolation platforms, Tungsten may be a good way to explore. The Tungsten Company suggests Tungsten is being already applied to isolation devices of sorts. See:
I have a question to ppl wiser than me on this subject.

What is the prime function of equipment supports ?

Should they isolate the equipment from seismic vibrations ? Or maybe on the contrary - they should couple the equipment to the floor, like some of the manufacturers seems to suggest, to create a "drain path" for airborne and electronicborn vibrations.
Elberoth2, yours is the question that divides different solutions. Goldmund strongly advocates grounding to the earth. Soft mounts, such as magnetic, spring, rubber, and bladder isolations, however, seek to isolate the components from vibrations through the shelves and floors. Vibrations can come from the sound through the floor or though the air, from the component it self moving with the music reaching it or from ac or motor vibrations within it, or from vibrations reaching the equipment from outside.

I think the only real answer to your question is: both. I know of few real solutions to both.