Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?

I'm using a non audiophile rack for my system because it goes with the decor. Will an isolation device still make a difference. If so which one please?
Considering that seismic vibrations have long wavelength, several kilometers (they can reach hundreds of kilometers), two adjacent points, like the feet of the rack, vibrate with coherently (with the same phase). The rack only suffers from a vertical displacement movement, the wave never gets inside of the rack in order to excite it's modes of vibration. The amplitude of these waves are so small, we are not talking about a earthquake, that are neglectable for a audio rack. The problems involving the interaction of a seismic wave and a rack are several orders of magnitude smaller than the traffic induced noise or children playing through home. I dont see how this is the biggest problem to deal with. Please explain.

One can control the ressonance frequency trough mass, stiffnes or damping. You manage this low ressonant frequancy, only by using springs?
Low ressonant frequency is not the only usefull parameter, what is the settling time of your rack?
Energy spectrum is also usefull.

You seem to use a pendulum system that I have allready seen in some very tall building projects, to minimize oscilations cause by enviromental phenomena, such as wind driving forces. I've also seen it in a prroject to isolate an interforemeter in a gravitacional wave experiment facility.

IMHO, I think that a rack should adress other more important issues, like struture borne sound (generated inside and outside of the rack) or air borne sound, than seismic wave problems.
Geoffkait, I just read this thread, and frankly am not sure if I should laugh, cry or yell. What is your program??? Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles - $258.00, Machina dynamica Clever Lil Clock - $199.00. Are you seriously expecting anyone to believe in the Machina dynamica Nimbus isolation table - $800.00. It is people like you who sell %$#@ for inflated prices that have made the legitimate science based products fall into scrutiny. Beyond that, you have the gall to post on a thread like this to promote yourself. I assume your stomach rubs on the ground as you walk, for I can not think of a lower form of life. I am happy to see no one has fallen for your current auctions, perhaps after a year or so you will crawl back into your hole.

Now I understand you are just following the lead of Sksos, that is another story all together. Luckily I have not followed either of your "scientific" solutions...

Thank you GeoffKait, I am glad 'sesimic' is but an unofficial variant of good old-fashioned 'seismic'. I was afraid I was confronting yet a new novel Age Physics other-dimensional phenomenon measurable only through Radionics-based apparati. Even in their classic spelling, I am not quite sure I am terribly concerned about vibrations induced by tectonic movements in the Mantle, Crust, subduction faults or otherwise. If they are strong enough to be felt by me, bloating in the midbass will be the very least of my concerns. And if my house were in an area prone to anything more than sporadically occurring microquakes. . . it would be high time to move elsewhere, before anything larger than 'micro' hits that idyllic neighbourhood. On the other hand, vibrations directly or indirectly induced by human presence and transaction -- or by weather -- constitute more realistic targets for musical concern and eventual absorption.
Guidocorona - Ya got me! I thought you were the one that couldn't spell, but it was I.... Good one!

Jadem6 - Excellent reaction! - the feeling is quite mutual, btw. You must not get out much...

Seurat - of course, one might ask why the gravitational wave experiment doesn't use a rack instead of a pendulum to isolate the interferometer... :-)
Jadem6: I cannot speak from experience regarding the Brilliant Pebbles and Clever Lil Clock, but I do have experience with Geoff's Nimbus Stand. I used it at a show about four or five years ago and think very highly of it. It has real science behind it and is very obvious from first use. Geoff is a very smart man who is also quite the gentleman. I understand your questioning the products, but I can tell you that Geoff does deserve respect for the accomplishments I am aware of.

Question him offline, I am sure you will be impressed.