custom built rack's.

ive looked at hunderd's of rack's within the last few weeks from all kind's of different manufacturer's & so far none will fit my needs,either they all are too weak or the shelve's are not spaced far enough apart to accomodate my amp's.

does anybody have a clue as to where to buy a rack that will hold the weight of several monster amp's & have shelve's that are spaced atleast 14 inche's apart,also the rack will need to be able to handle 800 to 1,000 lbs of gear safely.

im not oposed to having a rack custom built but im clueless as to what companies build to order & how long such an order would take or even the price range to have this done.

if worse come's to worse i have some super nice black walnut plank's that ive been saving for a special project that i could build my own out of but i would prefer to just buy a rack.

any ideas ?

thank's guy's, lot's of great place's to look,i have a bunch of research to do before i decide on what rack i'll be going with .

im not really too hip on building my own rack even though i have all the tool's & some fantastic wood that's perfect for a rack but after i add up all the time it would take me to build my own plus the value of the wood im pretty sure buying a rack will be cheaper.

fmpd, i didnt mention a budget because i know so little about how much a rack to fit my need's will actually cost that i thought it premature to decide on a budget, i did email you though for more info.
I agree wholeheartdely with Fmpnd. The Silent Running Audio Craz rack is, IMHO, the way to go. It can be custom built to your EXACT specifications, and will probably survive a direct hit from a tactical nuke! It's overbuilt to an absolutely absurd degree, and you can be certain that NO vibrations will be getting to your gear if they're sitting on a Craz. I am a very happy owner. I looked at numerous racks, and none came within a country mile of the Craz's blend of style, ruggedness, and performance. Components will come and go in my system, but a Craz will remain at the heart of my rig until I draw my last breath. THAT'S how much I love mine. Oh, and it helps that the owner of SRA, Kevin Tellekamp, is one of the nicest guys you'll ever hope to meet. Just one man's opinion, FWIW.
Hi Bigjoe. Although they wont fit your MC1200s, the Sanus Euro furniture have worked well for me. They are relatively inexpensive, and very sturdy. My MC1000 amps required me to buy the optional 12" risers, but with those I was able to stack 2 MC1000's and an MC2000 vertically with no problem. The furniture with threaded posts that I have seen look good but are not stable enough for this kind of weight. They tend to sway when nudged or jarred. The Sanus stuff is of simple, sturdy design. It is purchased by the shelf, which makes additions and upgrades easy. My 2 cents.
Hi again Bigjoe. I forgot to mention that the Sanus Euro bases make great amp racks, and will accomodate almost any amp, including yours. Good Luck.