What happened to Dekay???

I was thinking about some of the earlier members on out sight. Dave (Dekay) was a favorite of mine so I wrote him, but there is no response. Does anyone know if he's ok? Also wondering if anyone has heard from Angela.
Hey, it's a very Merry Christmas when I see Tireguy and Cornfedboy posting again. Happy holidays to all.
I was just on sabbatical... Maybe 2006 will be the return of Tireguy, someone's got to keep you old bastards in check now that Slappy's slacking :o) Perhaps Cornefedchico will make a come back tour next year as well, I know he has been waiting for the right time to strike.

And for the record, only if it were the dirty baker's dozen would I have been part of that elite group :-p
Well welcome back tireguy and cornfed, good to see old heads around. I was afraid you guys saw the light and realized this hobby truly is nuts and this site is our asylum...whew!
Greetings all: add Sean (+ of course Dekay) to that dirty dozen list; haven't noticed them posting anymore. Just wanted to say hi y'all; I'm quite late stumbling onto this thread. I'm still hanging around here as well; just not posting a whole lot anymore. The flavor of the site has certainly changed considerably. Last I'd heard from A100 was February 2003; she resigned from HP in California, moved to Colorado, and was in N'Orleans for MardiGras. Some of us were trying to coordinate a trip there together but it never did happen. Happy New Year to one & all.