Hey, we don't get no respect

...to paraphrase the late and great Rodney Dangerfield!

When it comes to quality, luxury, or status items, people seem to know brand names of very expensive cars, private jets, jewelry, watches, clothing, upscale communities, etc. Yet, when it comes to audio, Bose is considered to be an expensive and luxurious audio brand [their marketing model is exceptionally successful]. Just the other day, CNBC reporters doing a piece about luxury gifts were shocked that a pair of B&W speakers had a $12,000 list price. I am not "bad-mouthing" B&W. Point being that a $12,000 list price for a pair of speakers, while unaffordable for many audiophiles, is much less expensive than many other speakers, and certainly does not carry an "only in my dreams" stratospheric price.

What's your opinion about this?
"I haven't decided if the majority of music listeners simply aren't particular about audio quality,or they just don't care" Don't get me wrong-I do care and love buying gear as much as anyone,but the famous last words of an audiophile always seems to be-"its all about the music" If this is the case why are they wrong and were right? If you can enjoy your music collection without listening to it thru audiophile grade components-is that such a bad thing? My personal situation would afford me to drive vehicles way beyond what I drive now,but its just not that important to me. This probably wouldn't be the case for someone with a passion for sports/luxury cars, regardless of their income level. Truthfully I think paying 12K for a pair of speakers is just as extreme as paying 75K for a car of a boat. With that said I'm sure someday I'll own a pair of 12 K speakers,but I'd have a hard time justifying my need for them-other than the fact of just because I wanted them. FatParrot- Are you really suprised at peoples reaction to this story? And other than being humurous,why would you feel even slightly offended?
When we finally decide to get serious about wanting respect from the general public, we will have to begin with proper naming of these high end products.

People don't understand terms like Krell, ARC or B&W. Give them something they can relate to and they will pay attention long enough to come around to our point of view.

I suggest as a start, "Fatparrot Ultimates" as a speaker name.

Once the customer hears the salesman refer to the big burly box in front of him as OB 1 (or obese Parrot One) his resolve to spend money will vanish.

In keeping with the Fatparrot name, the literature could read:

(1)Sound so colorful, it seems to fly out of the speaker.
(2)Textures are feather soft, yet claw into the details and hang on.
(3)Musical performances so life like, you will forget about the "bill"
(4)Voices that emerge from the Parrot are so real, it will have the dog barking in response.

In fact, the only thing that could heighten this musical experience is for the customer to purchase The Perch™ from Jax2 and live life free as a bird.
Hey, no serious stuff or I'll tell the story about "Sugarbritches The Cat" brand amps and preamps.

Anything halfway nice seems to be costly nowdays. However don't think I could justify spending $12,000 on speakers. .

My son in-law comes over yesterday and asks what brand my speakers are, " Never heard of them he says". Tells me to turn up the bass on my speakers? so he can play Black Eyed Pea's "CoCo Puff" ( Rap ) or whatever that song is...Tells me his buddy has some "Awesome 12's in his car, 500 watts that'll really shake your guts inside".
"My other son in-law calls my music collection "Garbage". Nine Inch Nails on the otherhand is "good stuff".

Different strokes I guess.

I finally found a guy at work that knew what Super Audio CD's were..one guy out of 350 . I was excited that he knew a little about audio. After 10 years I finally found someone who shared my interests somewhat.