Help with new IPOD

I bought an IPod 30 GB unit for my son for Xmas from a local retain chain store, 6th Avenue Electronics here in the northeast. When I opened it up today, the instructions are not in English. Can someone point me to a site with directions on how to use the unit and how to download music. What are good sites besides ITunes?


PDF Manual is posted for download at in the lower right corner of the link below. As for music downloads other than itunes, I don't have a clue.

Merry Christmas

iPod manuals can be downloaded from

Apple's iTunes website is Start with the overview.

I usually copy my music from CD as I want higher quality than the websites offer, so I can't help with alternative websites.

Happy Holidays
Get started by using itunes you need it to sinc the ipod to the pc anyhow. There is other software out there I like better but you need to pay for it itunes is simple and free. you can also use it to RIP or copy your current cd onto the ipod.