For those who see it fading away, then explain CES in Vegas.
Years ago it use to be only a quiet get together at one small hotel. Now, not only is Alexis Park overflowing with companies sharing rooms to fit it all in; but now next door at the St. Tropez a second hotel is also overflowing with companies and gear with "The Show", brought to us by the owner of this website.
Quite a few high end companies are at the Hilton as well. Martin Logan just to name one. At the main convention center you'll find Bryston, YBA, and most of the cable companies. You'll also find all the mid-fi gear makers like Cambridge Audio, Audio Refinement, etc at the main convention center.
It keeps getting bigger every year.
Young people don't drive BMW's Audi's, Mercedes, or Jaguars either. Does not mean they going out of business. It all comes down to disposable $$$$$$$$$
When the current young reach middle age, I doubt they'll still be hangin out at the mall listening to tunes on their IPODS.