Any member feedback from C.E.S. 2006?

Anyone have any comments or discovery of some exciting new products?

I'd like to read some comments on:

New Wadia SACD players
New VTL amplifiers
DarTZeel preamp
Vandersteen Quatro
Any replacement for the Nordost Valhalla?
Shunyata Helix AC cables
Any standout rooms?

The von scheikert I room I was referring to was at The Show, it the golden ears section, a room 4 times the size of the the other rooms at the Show. I think the speakers were about $35K/pr. Can't remember the model number, but it was real disappointing to be in such a great room, one with some size, and the music just wasn't there when I was there Saturday afternoon. I've heard them sound better, but not this time for, for me anyway.
Bookner , I agree. The vr7 speakers were showing in the large room at The Show and I found them less than engaging as well. I was however impressed with the vr9 room at the Alexis . I was not sure which system you were speaking of. I commented in greater detail about my impressions of the show in another CSE 06 thread misplaced in the Speaker Forum .