Can I hook up two amps to the same speaker?

Could I hook up two receivers, each with their own source to the same speakers, and play one receiver, while the other is powered down? Now, if that is a no, is there a way for me to run and integrated and a receiver into the same speakers and play each one individually. Each, again, with their own source. If this seems ludicrous or insane; please be gentle with, warren :)
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So I gather this cannot be done with quality speaker cable? We're talking about plain ole 16 guage speaker wire or the like? I wanted this for a hi end rig. I suppose it cannot be done with these double pole/throw switches with audiophool speaker cable? Is my thinking wrong? I have no idea what these switches are about. I am an electric doofus.
With respect to your question about wire -- yes, you can use high end wire with Elizabeth's switch idea. Most high end speaker wire comes terminated with spade lugs, so just make sure that the switch you buy can accommodate the size of spades on your wire.

Do you have an extra line level output on one of your amps and an extra line level input on the other? If so, you can connect them at the line level, assuming they are close enough together.
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Elizabeth, are the switchboxes required to use as a safty feature in case both amps are left on? If one amp is off why would their be a problem connecting both spades directly to the binding posts of the speaker?