New to EQ

I have a problematic room for room treatment correction. It is big 30X40, used by family, so speakers have to go close to rear wall, lots of windows etc. I now hear about digital EQ. Do I have this right that such a system uses a microphone at the listening postion to assess the room problems, then digitally corrects at the preamp level? Do you have to leave the microphone up, or is that a one time deal? From the threads I hear that there are cheap (300) versions Beringers or something. On these do you use your own ears rather than the microphone and computer? Help. What should I be asking?
The Behronger is not bad,but would be best used for subs/woofers only.The way to go is the Z-Systems or Tact,and use your ears first.
The Behringer DEQ2496 at a cost of about $350, including the mic and its cable, will dramaticly improve most systems. (Actually it is the room that is improved, not the system). Don't take my word, or anyone elses word for whether the DEQ2496 is good or bad. It is so inexpensive that you can buy one and decide for yourself. You can't say that about Z-Systems, Tact, or PARC. The mic is used only when you perform the room equalization process, which is automatic. Watching this process on the spectrum analyer is worth the price of admission.
Thanks Eldarford. Sounds like it is worth a try. Do you see any loss of music qualities such as nuance, detail, soundstage etc? Where do you put the device within the audio chain. I go from CD player via digital signal to DAC to pre amp to amp.